Admin Monday, 7/3/22

There are five campaigns to get involved with here. Please take ten minutes or so to read through the information and sign if you feel comfortable doing so. If you have the capacity and feel strongly about the issues, do share the petitions or this blog post on your social media accounts.
This week we are focusing on campaigns that centre around the war in Ukraine. The causes and the impacts of war and displacement are inexorably linked to climate justice.

Tell Total To Quit Russia

Total is the only western energy giant that hasn’t announced plans to quit Russia. Shell is shedding its ties, BP is going beyond Putin, and Exxon announced it’s exiting too.

If enough of us raise our voices we can make Total divest from Russia, and get Europe to speed up going fossil-free – cutting off the stream of cash from gas projects and pipelines in the Russian Arctic that feed right into Putin’s war machine.

Tell Total to divest from Russia’s oil and gas sector, and Europe to go fossil-free.

Total (now TotalEnergies) has invested billions into climate-wrecking fossil fuel projects in Russia – and didn’t stop even when Putin annexed Crimea in 2014.

France’s Finance Minister told journalists he’ll talk it over with Total’s CEO this week. But so far, that’s only led to Total saying it’s not going to invest more in Russia. Not good enough.

Now that Total’s peers have announced plans to quit Russia, the financial press and governments are watching what Total will do. But their focus will shift again, and we don’t have much time to act.

The European Parliament this week condemned Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, but instead of resolving to get the EU off fossil fuels as fast as possible, most MEPs voted for building more liquefied natural gas infrastructure in Europe.

The situation looks desperate, but public pressure can work — and especially if the timing is right. SumOfUs helped make Total and Chevron quit Myanmar over human rights abuses there. And governments can be moved too, when we fight together: Just last year SumOfUs members, together with activists from 350, and Friends of the Earth France made Macron abandon his plans to finance Total’s new gas megaproject on Russia’s pristine Arctic coast.

Tell Boris Johnson to Act On The Climate Crisis and Rising Fuel Bills

While tanks roll into Ukraine, millions of pounds a day flow from the EU and the UK to Russia for gas. Our dependence on gas to heat and power our homes is not only driving up bills and wrecking our climate – it’s also funding Putin’s wars. Boris Johnson has said he wants to end dependence on Russian gas. But to get off gas, the UK needs to boldly invest in energy infrastructure and it’s never been more clear that the moment to do that is now.
We need an emergency plan to insulate homes, replace gas boilers with heat pumps and boost ever-cheaper renewables. This will create skilled jobs, lower energy bills, tackle the climate crisis and cut our dependence on imported gas, including from Russia.
Tell the UK government to enact an Emergency Energy Package now?
– Germany has taken bold steps to end their reliance on Russian energy, by bringing forward their renewable energy target by 15 years.
– Household gas prices are about to rise by 54% – which will be an average of nearly £2000 a year.
– The UK is on track to spend £2billion this year on Russian gas imports.

Fight The UK Government’s Anti-Refugee Bill

The Government claims its new immigration Bill will clamp down on irregular journeys to the UK while protecting the most vulnerable. However, the proposed changes will drastically decrease the availability of safe routes to the UK for refugees and their families, which will have a particularly devastating effect on women and children.
The war in Ukraine has brought the world’s attention to the plight of people fleeing war, and the dangers they face. The current outpouring of compassion needs to extend to all people seeking refuge.
This website offers a number of ways in which you can take action to help stop this bill coming into law.

Require energy suppliers report nation of origin of oil and gas supplies

UK energy suppliers presently have no requirement to reveal the origin of the oil and gas they purchase. As oil and gas purchased from Russia is helping fund the invasion of Ukraine, so that transparency is essential.
Requiring energy suppliers to publish the nation of origin of oil and gas supplies will enable consumers to make a personal choice about which energy supplier to use, based on their supply chain.Sign this petition

No Nuclear War over Ukraine

The war in Ukraine is causing death, destruction, unfolding chaos and a wave of desperate refugees. The danger is all the greater because of Ukraine’s 15 nuclear power reactors which are attempting to operate safely in a war zone. A meltdown at any one of them could cause a disastrous release of radiation.

Even more worrisome, nuclear sabre rattling on both sides raises the spectre of the fighting escalating to the use of nuclear weapons. On Thursday Russian President warned anyone “who stands in our way…they must know that Russia will respond immediately, and the consequences will be such as you have never seen in your entire history.” 

To which, the French Foreign Minister Le Drian responded, “Putin should understand that NATO also has nuclear weapons.” 

A single nuclear weapon detonated over any of the great cities of Europe would kill hundreds of thousands of people. A nuclear war between NATO and Russia would kill tens of millions outright and could trigger enough climate disruption to cause a global famine.

This is a call for NATO and the Russian Federation to renounce the use of nuclear weapons in this conflict and we call for an immediate cease fire and the withdrawal of all Russian military forces.

Admin Monday, 28/2/22

Welcome back Admin Mondays! There are five campaigns to get involved with here. Please take ten minutes or so to read through the information and sign if you feel comfortable doing so. If you have the capacity and feel strongly about the issues, do share the petitions or this blog post on your social media accounts.

Get Glasgow Moving

In the run-up to the local elections in May, you can use Get Glasgow Moving’s online tool to email your Councillors and demand they take action to secure the world-class public transport network our region deserves.

An enforceable human right to a healthy environment

Everyone in Scotland deserves to live in a healthy environment.

To achieve this, we must be able to hold public bodies and polluters to account.

But in Scotland it is incredibly difficult to use our legal system to stand up for our health and our planet. It is complicated, expensive and intimidating.

The Scottish Government wants to include the human right to a healthy environment in law. The task now is to make sure the right is enforceable, so that public bodies and polluters respect it and we can take them to court if they do not.

Now is the time to act.

We are faced with the climate and nature emergencies and we have an opportunity to make a difference. During 2022, the Scottish Government will be drafting new human rights laws and considering whether to create a specialist environmental court. Show you want change by signing the petition.

Tell the UK Government to End New Oil and Gas

Despite warm words at COP26 just a few months ago, the UK Government has now published a plan that would allow companies to continue exploring and drilling for more fossil fuels for decades to come. 

Working hand in hand with fossil fuel companies, the government is trying to greenwash oil and gas drilling by saying it can be ‘climate compatible’. But the simple fact is there is no such thing as a climate compatible oil and gas development.

Climate science is crystal clear that burning fossil fuels is the key driver of the climate crisis and there should be no new oil and gas fields anywhere if we’re to limit warming to 1.5ºC.

But new oil and gas licences handed out by the UK Government this year would allow fossil fuel companies to keep drilling well beyond 2050.

The only solution to the climate crisis and soaring gas prices is to get off fossil fuels and rapidly move to renewable energy.

Together we can send a clear message that there must be no new oil and gas. People power stopped the Cambo field last year but now we must stop all new fields.

The UK Government is asking for your views now. The consultation closes on Monday 28th February so please take action today.

Friends of the Earth have drafted a short response which you can either personalise or just quickly send.  

Tanzania: Stop The Maasai Eviction

We are Maasai elders from Northern Tanzania. Any day now tens of thousands of our community could be forced off our ancestral lands to make way for elite tourism and trophy hunting.

We urgently need your support.

The last time we faced these threats, more than 2 million Avaaz members rallied behind our call! Together, we created such a storm that the President promised never to evict us from our lands.

But now, there’s a new head of state and plans are being revived! President Samia Suluhu Hassan may not listen to us, but we know she’ll respond to media and public pressure – to all of you! Join us now – and show her the world is standing with the Maasai!

– The Maasai elders of Ngorongoro District in Northern Tanzania

P.S. The image used is not connected to the Maasai elders sending this appeal, in the interests of their security and safety.

Don’t Let Nike and Other Fashion Brands Use Chile As A Dumping Ground

Gabriel Boric is currently setting his presidential priorities for the coming months – so the time is now to amp up the pressure to make sure that regulating the fashion industry is high on his list. If we gather enough support, Gabriel Boric and his cabinet won’t be able to ignore this issue.

This cemetery of clothes is part of a dirty chain of issues: second-hand and unsold clothing that is made in Asia, passes through to Europe and the United States before being dumped in Chile– all a result of the massive rapid-overproduction that the fashion industry pushes. Water pollution, leaking chemicals, and microplastics are just some of the environmental hazards that make the fast fashion industry one of the worst polluters in the world, and a clear example of the devastating impact of corporate neoliberalism that has marked Chile’s history.

For decades, Chilean pro-market policies and tax-free havens have enabled these toxic dumping grounds to grow. The Chilean government has always had the power to put people and the planet before profit, but chose the latter. But with community pressure, change could be on the horizon.

Join us for climate justice at COP on Saturday November 6th

Parents for Future Scotland members, families and friends are taking to the streets of Glasgow on November 6th to call for climate justice and a safe future for children everwhere – and we’d love you to join us.

We will be marching in solidarity and love with other groups to demand world leaders deliver on their promises to limit global temperature increases to 1.5 degrees C, and ensure climate justice for those already suffering the worst effects of climate change while having done the least to cause it.

This will be a joyful and empowering experience for all ages.

We will be assembling in Kelvingrove Park from 11:30am in the Family, Kids and Parents sub-block (please see the map below for the meeting point or use these coordinates in google maps – 55.870853, -4.283243). Look out for the yellow flag, the giant mother phoenix and a big grey ball!

We will be setting off at 12:25pm to march towards Glasgow Green for a rally at 3pm. You do not neeed to stay for the whole day, just duck out whenever you like.

There is also a feeder march for families and friends on the southside of Glasgow, assembling from 11:30am at the race track in Queen’s Park. Enter the park from Victoria Road and turn left – the race track is behind the basketball courts. We will then move to join the main march at the Victoria Road entrance, before heading to Glasgow Green. Please see the Govanhill Baths Community Trust or COP26 Coalition webpages for more details.

We’re conscious there may be a few new parents hitting the streets. And you will be sooo welcome. All of the COP26 marches are family friendly, and please see below for a few essentials to help you and everyone else attending stay safe and well. 

Before you go … 
Check the weather forecast      
Take a covid test 

What to bring with you …        
Your covid test result        
Face mask and hand sanitiser        
Comfortable clothes and shoes        
Waterproof jacket        
Refillable water bottle & snacks        
Song sheet        
Placards and banners        
Bustcard – check @gbclegal        
Friends, kids and energy 

What to bring for children … 
Small placard so they feel involved
Layers and a waterproof
Lots of snacks and a drink
Small distractions – bubbles, a flag, a small toy
A harness or pushchair for longer events
Smiles, love and enthusiasm 

This event will be busy, so it’s a good idea to write your mobile number on your child’s arm or wristband – just in case


The Family, Kids and Parents sub-block assembly point:

#Climatestrike #Cop26 #COP26Glasgow #strike #climatejustice
#uprootthesystem #COP26Glasgow #ActNow #NoPlanetB #GreenParents #ConsciousLiving #SustainableLiving #KeepItInTheGround #EcoParents #PlanetProtectors #Ecofamilies #ClimateChange #WildGlasgow
#NationalParkCity #fridaysforfuture #ParentsForFuture

Admin Monday, 4/10/21

Welcome to the Admin Monday list for this week. There are five campaigns to get involved with here. Please take ten minutes or so to read through the information and sign if you feel comfortable doing so. If you have the capacity and feel strongly about the issues, do share the petitions or this blog post on your social media accounts.

Investigate options for removing and reducing the impact of the central Glasgow section of the M8

This petition is calling on the Scottish Parliament to urge the Scottish Government to commission an independent feasibility study to investigate scenarios for reducing the impact of the M8 between the M74 and Glasgow Cathedral including, specifically, complete removal and repurposing of the land.

Let’s end all pavement parking in Scotland

Vehicles parked on pavements are forcing people with pushchairs or children to walk unsafely in the road. And disabled and older adults can feel unsafe walking down their own street. We need to ensure that this is no longer a daily occurrence in Scotland. In 2019 Living Streets pushed the Scottish government to agree to a ban on pavement parking, but they are dragging their feet and now the ban won’t be introduced until 2023. We can’t wait that long! Back Living Streets’ call to implement the ban without delay.

Change the zero carbon emission goals to 2025 instead of 2050

By 2050, If we keep producing this amount of carbon emissions, It will be too late to act. The IPCC’s recent report stressed the urgency with which we must act. Technologies and feasible working models already exist for a rapid, just transition. 2050 is too late.

Stop new exploration and production licenses for UK Off and Onshore oil and gas.

We would like the UK government to end the exploration and development of new oil and gas fields in the UK and its territories, including the Cambo oil field. The development of new oil and gas fields undermines the UK Government’s climate commitment and its position as COP26 host.

Climate Justice means urgent action at COP26

5 December 2019, Madrid, Spain: Group photo os youth delegates at COP25, with UNFCCC Executive Secretary Patricia Espinosa at COP25 in Madrid.

As plans are made to hold the COP 26 talks in Glasgow in 2021, we are collecting signatures from all over the world for this petition which will be delivered to the COP Presidency. It will demand that the round of talks do not end in the same manner as in recent years with, at best, incremental progress and a lack of ambition adequate to the science. That is a luxury we can no longer afford given the recent lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic, which made all the loopholes all the more apparent. The current COVID-19 crisis has shown clearly that governments can act decisively in a crisis if they choose to do so. While less immediate for many, the climate crisis is not going away and without urgent action could cause catastrophic harms.

Admin Monday, 27/9/21

Welcome to the Admin Monday list for this week. There are five campaigns to get involved with here. Please take ten minutes or so to read through the information and sign if you feel comfortable doing so. If you have the capacity and feel strongly about the issues, do share the petitions or this blog post on your social media accounts.

Ongoing Consultation About Cycle Routes

GoBike exists to campaign for better cycling facilities in Glasgow and the Strathclyde area.  They offer praise to infrastructure changes which introduce good practice but object to proposals that do not adequately design for cycle traffic, do not meet current standards and which increase the potential risk to cyclists and other vulnerable road users. They encourage all their members and supporters to let councils know if they are getting things right.

Fix Our Relationship With Stuff

The way we use stuff is destroying nature and the climate. More than 80% of Scotland’s carbon footprint comes from the stuff we use and often throw away. By constantly extracting raw materials to make more stuff, we’re wrecking nature around the world. In Scotland we consume about three times our share of the planet’s resources – clearly an unsustainable and unfair situation. We can stop this. Scotland can create a more ‘circular’ economy in which products are made to last, waste and pollution are minimised, and everything is used again and again. This isn’t just about individuals recycling more. The Scottish government must set clear targets to cut our use, and waste, of raw materials – our Earth’s resources. Then it must introduce comprehensive policies to meet the targets and deal with harmful and polluting materials. Stop stuff stuffing up the planet. Tell the Scottish Government to act now.

Remove environmental taxes from electricity to encourage heat pump installations

Around 23% of electricity bills are made up of environmental and social levies, including the Climate Change Levy (CCL), while these levies make up just 2% of gas bills. These taxes are surely a significant barrier to the decarbonisation of heat in the UK, and simply further encourage the burning of fossil fuels. The Government needs to eliminate environmental levies on electricity to encourage people to install heat pumps without the disincentive of such high costs, to help fight climate change.
It seems impossible for the UK to even begin to achieve the Prime Minister’s aim of 600,000 heat pump installations a year by 2028 until it eliminates the taxes on electricity that are surely discouraging heat pump installations.

Ban domestic flights on routes that could be travelled by train in under 3 hours

Follow France’s example to ban domestic flights in the UK on routes that could be travelled by train in 3 hours or less. To reduce the emissions caused by air travel to reduce environmental impact. Many short flights are unnecessary and with the exceptional railway network in the UK there is no reason why people should not take the train instead of flying. In the current 2019-2021 environmental bill there is no mention of reducing flights or even of off setting carbon emissions caused by aviation. This is not good enough and this ban would be a simple way to reduce the impact of the UK to climate change.

Stop the Insect Apocalypse

Silently, the insect apocalypse keeps unfolding — billions of bees, butterflies, and other extraordinary tiny creatures are dying off, and the consequences may soon be catastrophic for our crops and fragile ecosystems worldwide. Agricultural pesticides are among the key culprits. But now the European Union is considering a proposal to cut pesticide use by 2030 that could pave the way for a total phase-out across Europe in 15 years. As a trading superpower, the EU has enormous influence on setting global standards — and a win here could have ripple effects globally. But first we must prevent the powerful chemical lobby from wrecking the plan. This is why Avaaz are joining a coalition of environmental groups, farmers, beekeepers, and scientists to bring one million citizen voices and ensure EU institutions address their demands.

Admin Monday, 20/9/21

Welcome to the Admin Monday list for this week. There are five campaigns to get involved with here. Please take ten minutes or so to read through the information and sign if you feel comfortable doing so. If you have the capacity and feel strongly about the issues, do share the petitions or this blog post on your social media accounts.

Introduce awareness and practical experience of litter picking and waste separation into the school curriculum

In recent years, anti-littering strategies, campaigns and clean-up activities have just scratched the surface. It is time for a systemic change to properly address the issue and drive a cultural shift in society about littering and respect for the environment. The Scottish Government recognises the importance of ‘Learning for Sustainability’, and we believe there is an appetite for a curriculum-linked approach. Such an approach is followed in Japan where cleaning time is part of students’ daily schedule, throughout primary and secondary. It only needs to be 15-20 minutes a day. If students are responsible for their mess, they are less likely to make it in the first place and will show respect for their surroundings. Besides making street cleaning almost unnecessary, this cultural shift is essential in the context of waste reduction and recycling to ease the litter emergency. Read more at

Ban Trophy Hunting in Scotland

Nicola Sturgeon has already said that she is reviewing the current situation around trophy hunting and considering whether changes to the law are required. While this matter has momentum, we need to gather as many signatures as possible to show how urgent and important it must be in Parliament.

Ban fossil fuel sponsorship of all UK culture, media and sport

Companies are using the sponsorship of culture, media and sport to greenwash their reputations, buying the social licence they need to continue profiting from the destruction of the planet. This activity threatens our collective future and it needs to be banned.

Don’t Block Green Investment

Our homes cause 14% of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions, and we need to switch to cleaner, greener heating. But according to insiders, Chancellor Rishi Sunak is blocking green investment in the upcoming Autumn budget. With major climate talks around the corner and the UN sounding a “code red for humanity”, we can’t afford to delay. Help us pressure Sunak to step up – send a postcard to your MP now to fight for a greener, cleaner future. The message is already drafted, so just pick your postcard by clicking on the link and it’s good to go!

Show solidarity with our allies on the frontlines trying to navigate the UK immigration office.

When the UN climate talks come to Glasgow this November, we need nothing short of urgent climate action based on justice across the world. Those on the frontlines of the climate crisis will be central to this, and must be front and centre at the negotiations. But frontline, Global South and other marginalised communities will face many obstacles even getting to Glasgow for COP26. One huge problem will be navigating the UK Home Office’s unjust immigration system to obtain a visit visa – a system that often makes deeply discriminatory decisions, refuses the right to appeal, and is made up of a complex documentation process that penalises poorer applicants. And this year, there are even more hurdles: from new Brexit rules to unequal vaccine rollouts and possible quarantine restrictions. To ensure that Global South communities do not continue to get side-lined, we must stand in solidarity with their activists and delegates. The COP26 Coalition is working to provide support in overcoming the huge hurdles of obtaining visit visas through its Visa Support Service. Show your support by signing up to the Solidarity Hub.

Admin Monday, 13/9/21

Welcome to the Admin Monday list for this week. There are five campaigns to get involved with here. Please take ten minutes or so to read through the information and sign if you feel comfortable doing so. If you have the capacity and feel strongly about the issues, do share the petitions or this blog post on your social media accounts.

Our Climate, Our Buses

Transport is Scotland’s largest single source of GHG emissions and in order to tackle climate change we need to take back control of our buses. Yet currently, private bus companies are able to cut routes and raise fares, with no regard for the communities that rely on them. Lothian Buses, the largest publicly owned bus company in the UK, shows a different model is possible. We need to re-regulate our buses and support public ownership. Rather than subsidise private operators, the Scottish Government must provide financial support to Local Authorities to establish publicly owned bus companies and take back control of their bus networks. Use this quick template email to respond to Scottish Government consultation on bus services.

Bank Of England – Stop Funding the Climate Crisis

The Bank of England could cut off the finance flows of UK money to polluting industries and fund the future we need. We’re calling on the Bank Of England Governor, Andrew Bailey: Stop funding the climate crisis and regulate banks that do.

Shift to a Wellbeing Economy

We urgently need the Government to prioritise the health and wellbeing of people and planet, by pursuing a Wellbeing Economy approach. To deliver a sustainable and equitable recovery, the Treasury should target social and environmental goals, rather than fixating on short-term profit and growth.

Ban Trade in Ivory Permanently

The Time is Now – Declaration

The Climate Coalition are the UK’s largest group of people dedicated to action against climate change. Along with our sister organisations Stop Climate Chaos Cymru and Stop Climate Chaos Scotland, we are a group of over 140 organisations — including the National Trust, Women’s Institute, Oxfam, and RSPB — and 22 million voices strong. We are reaching across the UK to show our love for all the things we want to protect from climate change, and to ask politicians to put aside their differences and commit to doing whatever is necessary to protect them.The time is now to lead the UK towards a healthier, greener, fairer future. Ahead of hosting the United Nations climate summit in Glasgow in 2021, we can build back better together if we:

  • Unleash investment in a clean energy revolution that boosts jobs across the UK, making our transport, power and housing fit for the future
  • Protect, restore and expand our green and wild spaces; allowing nature to thrive, taking carbon from the air and boosting the nation’s health
  • Leave no one behind by increasing support to those most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change at home and abroad

The UK must lead the world by ensuring our recovery gets us on track to net-zero emissions and limits the rise in global temperature to 1.5 degrees C. Our best chance of building a resilient economy goes hand in hand with tackling climate change.

Our Other Mother Campaign

Jim Field – Our Other Mother

Parents For Future Scotland is a relatively new group but, with COP26 happening in less than two months, we’re keen to let as many people as possible know about our work and have a chance to get involved.

The Our Other Mother campaign grew out of another campaign started by our sister organisation, Parents For Future UK, Mothers Rise Up and Our Kids Climate. This saw well-known children’s illustrators responding to the phrase, “our other mother”.

Anita Bagdi – Our Other Mother

The group in Glasgow took these illustrations as a start point to devise packs and lesson plans for schools. There are resources, designed by our teacher members, for primary aged children and secondary aged young people. We are asking teachers to work with the packs to explore the theme of “our other mother” and facilitate children making artworks. These can then be shown in community venues such as community halls and cafes, thereby raising children’s voices and bringing them to the attention of the wider population.

Running in parallel, we are offering to speak with any parent councils in Glasgow about the campaign and Parents For Future Scotland in the hope of having representation across the city. You can email for more info.

If you are connected to a school, and feel able, please do encourage your school to work with the Our Other Mother packs. And share any artwork on social media using the hastags #ourothermother #parentsforfuture #cop26

Paul Boston – Our Other Mother

Admin Monday 6/9/21

Welcome to the Admin Monday list for this week. There are five campaigns to get involved with here. Please take ten minutes or so to read through the information and sign if you feel comfortable doing so. If you have the capacity and feel strongly about the issues, do share the petitions or this blog post on your social media accounts.

Divest Strathclyde Pension Fund Social Media Storm

Divest Strathclyde is the campaign to get the Strathclyde Pension Fund to drop investments in fossil fuel companies and other big polluters, and re-invest the money in ethical and sustainable alternatives. The Strathclyde Pension Fund, managed by a committee of Glasgow City Council, has £508 million invested in fossil fuel companies – including fracking – meaning that the pension fund, which is meant to safeguard the future security of workers across the Strathclyde area, is helping fund climate disaster, the worsening effects of which we are already regularly encountering.  On Wednesday 8th September the Strathclyde Pension committee will meet to decide the criteria they will use for divestment and we are calling for them to step up not COP out! Join on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram the day before the meeting – post, tweet, share, and comment to let Strathclyde Pension Fund know that we want them to be climate leaders not fossil fools! You can find example tweets and posts as well as an image bank and links to our Open letter and template emails all in the social media toolkit.

Provide every school child in Scotland with a reusable water bottle

Each week schoolchildren are given 250ml disposable plastic water bottles to have with their lunches. Callum (age 7) feels very strongly that this is the wrong thing to do. Callum has been running his campaign since early 2021 and is very determined to succeed. He says that you want to help the environment but were wasting more plastic than the weight of one of the pandas at the zoo (estimated per school, per year). He has solved the problem for his school by doing a sponsored walk and buying water bottles for all the children with the proceeds. Now wants to help the whole of Scotland. He says adults should listen to children about the environment and provide the money to buy more water bottles. 

Surfers Against Sewage

As the hosts of COP26, the UK government has a responsibility to make sure the ocean is at the forefront of climate negotiations. Sign the petition today to demand that the voice of the ocean is heard within the climate crisis.

Climate Justice Appeal

Call on the PM to:  

  • Increase financial support to the world’s poorest countries and push for their debts to be cancelled
  • Invest in a green recovery that leaves no-one behind  
  • Stop the expansion of fossil fuel energy and support clean energy.  

Recognise Indigenous Land Rights

Indigenous peoples make up less than 5 per cent of the global population but have safeguarded 80 per cent of the world’s biodiversity. These global environmental custodians have faced land seizures over the last two centuries as ‘formal’ legal systems are made to trump their customary ownership. Outrageously, they remain prone to evictions even today in the name of the environment. The UN’s new ’30×30 conservation goal’ – aiming to ‘protect’ 30 per cent of global lands and oceans by 2030 may seem a logical response to the climate crisis. However, the plan relies on making the richest biodiverse regions devoid of all human habitation. This would pave the way for the mass evictions of indigenous communities, the planet’s most reliable biodiversity custodians, depriving them of their livelihoods and cultures, with no evidence that it will mitigate climate change. This initiative will prove counterproductive as evidenced in the many places where indigenous peoples have already been displaced. While these evictions have often been in the name of conservation, they have in fact failed to stem environmental degradation. Instead, tracts of land get placed in the hands of vested interests who, in the name of development and economic growth, feel entitled to exploit it for logging and mining, with no international safeguards able to prevent this. Indigenous peoples have an innate relationship with the biodiversity around them. Indigenous communities draw on their customs and traditions to harness, monitor and care for their lands. Removing them is counterproductive and foolhardy. Rather, it will empower profiteers and deprive traditional communities. Recognising indigenous ancestral domains and equipping indigenous communities for the frontline in the fight against environmental degradation is the only way forward. In advance of the UN Biodiversity Conference in Kunming, China in October 2021 we request you to stand with indigenous peoples and sign our petition insisting that governments recognise indigenous ancestral domains as crucial to mitigating climate disaster. Play your role in protecting the world’s environment by ensuring that those with the know-how can continue to be the planet’s foremost custodians.

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